Good Sam Outreach keeps an eye on community needs and proposals for assistance. There are many
and the generous people of St. Paul’s consistently respond. Some needs are met due to a one-time ask
and others are on-going. Thank you, parishioners! Read on for a sample and synopsis.
Each year, a Christmas “Giving Tree” is sponsored by Good Sam and this year you donated clothing
suitable for children and 105 families at Corpus Christi church received these gifts. That is a lot of socks,
shirts, etc. AND, the collection for fuel assistance topped $1250. Surely this will help several families be
able to stay warmer during these cold winter months.
This year we will again sponsor the Lenten Food Drive with donations slated for Sister Regis Food
Cupboard, Eastern Services Workers, St. Joseph's House of Hospitality, Webster Hope, Webster Backpack and Williamson Come-Unity. Look for the insert in the February 10/11 bulletin with the full list of requested items.
Remember Hope House? St. Paul’s has donated food, clothing and more for years to Webster Hope
where it all began -- and was started by a St. Paul’s parishioner. Now there are additional “Hopes” in
Penfield and another called Rochester Hope. We were invited to assist Rochester Hope with a clothing
drive in November and you provided three (3) carloads of clothing for their needs. This clothing is for
the refugees living in the downtown Rochester area. Webster Hope is always looking for volunteers to stock the food shelves and a current need is for folks to sort the donated clothing. Visit their website at for more information and details about their annual Garage Sale. The specific food needs for Webster Hope are published in the church bulletin.
Angels of Mercy on Winton Road received additional clothing suitable for women who are getting back
into the world of work. This request was quite specific and once again generosity prevailed.
Webster Comfort Care is truly a source of pride in our community. For over 20 years, they have provided services without charge to families and they receive no government or insurance payments. They rely on donations, fundraisers, and VOLUNTEERS. Training is provided and there is always a need for more to provide housekeeping, resident care, gardening, someone with graphic artist skills, an expert user of social media and a “fix-it” person. If you own a screwdriver and know how to use it, please consider contacting them for more information at 585-872-5290. Ask for Ruth for any interest in any of the above.
“Souper Bowl 2024” is an interesting fundraiser for Webster Comfort Care, which is coming soon: please
visit and note that early sign-up by Feb. 4 is required. Other upcoming
fundraisers are also listed on that website.
Catholic Charities Family Center continues their work resettling immigrants arriving in Rochester. The
immediate need is for volunteers to help set-up apartments for the incoming refugees. Set-ups usually
entail 3 hours of putting away items that have been delivered. This can be a one-time service or
something that can be done as your time allows. Upcoming dates and more information from
[email protected]. NEW: Catholic Charities Family and Community Service (CCFCS’s Refugee
& Immigration Services) has a website listing all on-going needs for assistance. For instance, a sewing volunteer and a person to help navigate technology are recently listed. Check often. Or phone
Saint’s Place has supplied items CCFC needs to set up households and clothing for arriving refugees and
immigrants. Especially valued are twin sheets, blankets, comforters, other linens, and small furniture
items. Also, warm clothing in all sizes. Items can be dropped off at 45 S. Main St. in Pittsford. For more
information, call 585-385-6860.
Webster Backpack provides over 100 bags each week to children in the seven Webster elementary
schools. These bags provide much needed weekend food and the Backpack is one of the recipients of
our Lenten Food Drive. Donations are greatly appreciated any time (peanut butter, jelly, pasta and
sauce, tuna, granola bars, canned soup, fruit, etc.) and can be left at Immanuel Lutheran Church, 131
Main St. in Webster.
As you read of all the activity, please note the many instances of community support for our neighbors.
These efforts are a testament to those who “Love their neighbors as themselves.”
Even closer to us at St. Paul’s is the continuing need for volunteers right in our parish: Greeters, Ushers,
Sacristans, Java Café and more. Good Sam also welcomes new members! Sharing your time and talents
is a treasure that cannot be purchased.
Please watch for the next quarterly update coming in the spring.

God Bless America on a USA flag background, 3D rendering. United States of America flag waving in the wind. Proud American Flag Waving, American God Bless America concept. US symbol with God Bless America
Webster HOPE
Coat Collection
The people of St. Paul’s have been very generous to donate coats, hats, boots, gloves/ miens for those who need these items to challenge the cold they face this year. Good Sam is now collecting and distributing winter clothing to centers we know will distribute them fairly and wisely. Needed are winter items in good or new condition, especially those for children. Please deposit your donations in the chest downstairs at the boom of the south stairwell or in the tote outside of the Narthex. On behalf of the Good Sam Committee: Thank you for making winter comfort possible for those in need.
If you have any questions, or can help with delivering, please contact Jodie in the parish office 671- 2100 or [email protected]
School Supply Collection
Dear St. Paul’s Parishioners,
We are so grateful to you for donating school supplies for our “Back to School Night.”
We had over 60 children come and pick out their school supplies!
Thank you for your generosity in helping us meet such a great demand.
God bless you,
Webster Hope
Refugee Diaper Drive
Good Sam Outreach will be sponsoring a special collection local Afghanistan refugees in need of disposable diapers. Sizes requested are newborn, size 1, size 4 and up. The collection will be the weekend of October 8 & 9. Please place your donations in the specially marked bins in the hallway outside the parish office. Thank you!
Bethany House/Hope House Monthly Collection
This month (August) St. Paul’s supports Webster Hope. Instead of collecting food, they have asked us to continue to collect the school supplies that are needed to serve the youth in our community.
Please place your donations (in a paper bag) in the collection box in the Narthex. The Good Sam Outreach Committee will deliver our donations at the end of the month.
Here is an extensive list that was compiled from the Webster School District supply list. They are asking for new supplies only.
Thank you for your generosity in supporting Webster Hope!
2022 Lenten Food Drive - March 5/6 through April 9/10
St Paul’s annual Lenten Food Drive supports the many people in our communities who are in need of assistance. Donations are collected for one specific location per week:
Hope House, our local Webster food pantry,
Webster Back Pack, which currently distributes weekly food bags to 97 kids in our elementary schools,
Williamson Come-Unity Center, the Wayne County food pantry,
Sister Regis Food Cupboard,
St. Joseph House of Hospitality, and the
Eastern Service Workers Assoc. which provides weekly food boxes to the Bay Street area.
Please place your donations in paper bags in the bin in the Narthex before or after Mass. Deliveries will be made at the beginning of the following week.
Thank you for last week's donations!
2022 Lenten Food Drive - Awesome!
Good Sam together with Fr. Paul and the entire parish staff wish to thank you for the incredible response to our Lenten Food Drive. Your response was nothing less than overwhelming and we were able to help so many of the less fortunate in our community. Our parish is truly awesome! May God bless you for your generosity.
Giving Tree - Thank You!
Thank you to all who generously donated through our Good Sam Outreach Giving Tree. A total of $1,820 was raised as fuel money to assist needy parishioners of Our Lady of the Americas with their heating bills. Also we received the note below regarding all the wonderful gifts:
Dear Parishioners at St. Paul’s,
We were so worried this year, that because of the Covid epidemic we would have nothing to give to our poor families for Christmas. It seemed inconceivable that so many people would have nothing with which to celebrate Christ’s birthday.
Were we wrong! How wonderful you were! So many gifts and so much food. So many happy families 97 (144 adults and 295 children)! Since Christmas we have helped approximately 25 more families. What a blessing you all are! How proud of you God must be that you honored His birth with love not only of Him but also of His needy children!
May He bless you in return with the warmth of His love and keep you safe and well,
Natalia Medeso & Sr. Julia Norton
Bethany House “Wish List”
Requested items for November 2022
- Cereal
- Snack items
- Pasta sauce
- Peanut butter
- Disposable coffee cups (to distribute warms drinks to homeless community members)
Webster Hope “School Supply Wish List”
Requested items for August 2022:
- pencil box or pouch
- scissors
- Sanford Magic Rub white erasers
- durable plastic 2 pocket folders
- highlighters
- pencils
- black or blue pens
- basic color pencils or markers
- Expo low odor dry erase markers
- fine tip black Sharpie markers
- Crayola crayons, 12-24, please no larger
- index cards
- post-it or sticky notes
- wired headphones or earbuds
- small rulers
- glue sticks
- ziplock gallon bags
- spiral notebooks
- composition notebooks, wide or college ruled
- loose leaf paper, wide or college ruled
- book bags and string bags
- socks (all ages & sizes)
- underwear (all ages & sizes)
Lenten Food Drive – Week #6
April 9-10 – St. Joseph House of Hospitality
- Canned meat (tuna, chicken, ham)
- Canned vegetables & fruit
- Canned hearty soup, stew, & chili
- Spaghetti sauce
- Peanut butter & jelly