Catholic Relief Services

2025 Rice Bowl

2025 Rice Bowl Fiftieth Anniversary


CRS Rice Bowl is the Lenten program of Catholic Relief Services, the official relief and development agency of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops.


Rooted in the history of the Eucharistic Congress, CRS Rice Bowl invites Catholics and faith communities in the United States to encounter God and our global family throughout Lent by practicing the pillars of prayer, fasting and almsgiving. Lenten alms donated through CRS Rice Bowl support the work of CRS in more than 120 different countries. Twenty-five percent of donations to CRS Rice Bowl stay in the local diocese, supporting hunger and poverty alleviation efforts. Since its inception in 1975, CRS Rice Bowl has raised more than $350 million.


CRS Rice Bowl is a staple on the table of Catholic families across the country during Lent. This simple cardboard box is a tool for collecting Lenten alms—and comes with a Lenten calendar that guides families through the 40 days of Lent with activities, reflections and stories.


CRS Rice Bowl shares stories of hope from CRS’ work around the world. This year these stories focus on CRS activities in Guatemala, Nigeria and Bangladesh. These stories are examples of the communities where your Lenten alms are changing lives. Stories are accompanied by a simple, meatless recipe that you and your family are encouraged to prepare on Fridays during Lent.


For more information concerning CRSRB go to the website:

Lenten gifts can also be given online. Please be sure make your contribution in honor St Paul's, as follows, so that we are credited with the contribution:


ð I'd like to make this contribution in honor or in memory of someone...

Honoree Name (St Paul’s Catholic Church, Webster NY)


You may also send a check to the address below (be sure to include the parish name):


Catholic Relief Services

CRS Rice Bowl

P.O. Box 5200

Harlan, IA 51593-0700

2023 Farm Bill Title III Programs

Food for Peace
*Established in 1954 – the oldest U.S. governmental food assistance program
*Used for short term emergency food assistance, e.g., conflict/natural disasters
*Long term development activities to build resilience, food security, address chronic problems,
and reduce the need for future emergency assistance.

McGovern-Dole Food for Education
*Works with existing school meal programs and food insecure communities to increase child literacy rates, improve nutritional outcomes (youth), and enhance dietary practices
*Provides continuous and long term sustainability and education.
-Local and regional procurement of commodities/jobs to all existing projects
-Allows schools to source food locally and support local farmers
-Allows transitioning to a sustainable home-grown school model

Bill Emerson Humanitarian Trust
*A rainy day fund for unanticipated food crises when other resources are no longer available
*The trust consists of cash reserves for the purchase of U.S. commodities to meet humanitarian needs.

The Farmer to Farmer Program
*It assists low to moderate income communities with modernizing their agricultural sectors.
*It donates U.S. commodities – selling them on local markets.
*Funds economic, agricultural development projects.
*E.G. Climate smart development
*Improving access to nutritious foods

Food for Progress
*Trains farmers in animal and plant health
*Develops roads and utility systems
*Establishes co-ops for farmers
*Provides micro-finance loans
*Develops agricultural systems

faith. action. results.


Click here to learn about Catholic Relief Services current campaigns.

Read, watch, & reflect on the Stories of Hope that your donation makes possible.

Print out and use the Lenten Calendar

Prepare simple meatless meals each Friday and explore other cultures from your kitchen.

If you haven't yet , it's time to turn in your Rice Bowl donations! Please convert your coins from the Rice Bowl into check (preferred) or cash and return via the envelope that was included with the box. (Please write Rice Bowl on the memo line of the check.)

Or return online through the link below to our "Team St. Pauls" Community Giving page. 25% of the donations collected through the parish and through the link will stay in the Rochester area to support the local poor.  Thank you!

Check out the the CRS Rice Bowl website to see how your Lenten donations will help those in need:


CRS Rice Bowl 2021-

Catholic Relief Services (CRS), through our Rice Bowl alms, helps brothers and sisters in-need around the world, especially in these challenging times. Thank you for your many sacrifices during Lent. Through your generosity, $3,405 was collected from St. Paul’s parishioners. Through these alms given to Catholic Relief Services, we become a blessing for others. What we gave up for Lent will change lives!


· 75% of our CRS Rice Bowl alms support Catholic Relief Services development projects overseas carried out on behalf of the U.S. Catholic community (us!).

· 25% of the CRS Rice Bowl alms remain in our Diocese to help support local hunger relief efforts.