Funeral Planning

Please know that your family and loved ones are in our thoughts and prayers, especially at this time.
We are here to assist you in any way possible. Please look over the guidelines and the links below for useful information.

You may print the Funeral Guidelines and the Liturgy Planning worksheets. Please use the following links to review and choose your readings. Additional details regarding the mass will be discussed during the funeral planning meeting with the Adult Faith Formation Coordinator. Please contact us with any other questions you may have. May the peace of Christ be with you at this time.

Funeral Guidelines

Words of Remembrance Guidelines

Words of Remembrance Example

Funeral Liturgy Planning Form

Funeral Mass First and Second Reading Selections

Prayer of the Faithful

Funeral Planning Music & Psalm


The Martha Ministry provides a warm and welcoming environment where grieving families can meet with relatives and friends following a funeral service.

We can accommodate up to 100 guests and provide the following:

Set-Up:  We cover tables and serving areas with cloth table linens and have attractive artificial flower arrangements for the tables. Water pitchers, with sliced lemons, are placed on the tables.  Plates, knives, forks, spoons and napkins are provided as well.

The two long buffet tables are usually used for meal service.  Coffee, tea and a cranberry, gingerale, sherbert punch and baked goods are placed on the side tables.

Food Service:  Our wonderful group of volunteers provides an array of homemade baked goods.  If a meal is to be served this must be provided by the family.  We have the ability to warm food and Martha volunteers serve the food buffet style.

Clean-Up:  Marthas clean up after the reception and can pack up any leftovers for the family to take home.