Confirmation Information
Confirmation preparation in the Diocese of Rochester is a two-year formation program that begins in 8th grade and is geared at helping the candidates in their faith development as well as helping them to understand the basic teachings of the Catholic Church. Any potential candidate can begin the program later than 8th grade.
The instructional content includes: an understanding of Confirmation as a Sacrament of Initiation with special connections to Baptism and First Eucharist; an understanding of the role of the Holy Spirit in the life of the individual and of the Church; a greater awareness of the person of Jesus Christ and his teachings as found in Scripture; an understanding of the importance of social justice; an understanding of the Catholic Church: its Divine origin, sacraments, doctrines, history and hierarchical structure; an understanding of the moral teachings of the Catholic Church including the Ten Commandments and the Beatitudes; an understanding of the structure of the Mass and the manner for participating in it; an understanding of prayer and its importance in our lives; a working knowledge of the Catechism of the Catholic Church; an understanding of Christian vocations.
To register, you may fill the form HERE or you may collect the Confirmation registration form on the Bulletin Board in the church building. The fee is $50 per candidate. Payments can be made in checks payable to St Paul Parish, memo: Confirmation or in cash at the parish office. If you have any questions, contact Anselm Mesue during the weekend Masses or via email [email protected] or via phone 671-2100 ext. 27.
2023 Confirmation Class
Congratulations to the following students who received the sacrament of Confirmation on Wednesday May 1 from Bishop Salvatore Matano, Bishop of Rochester:
- Ryan Bacchetta
- Charlotte Brunswick
- Blake Cusse
- Olivia Fulkerson
- Cameron Heisinger
- Margaret Milner
- Gabriella Nuwer
- Josh Tara
- Katie Yuskiw
By the reception of this sacrament, these parishioners’ baptismal grace was completed, and they received the gifts of the Holy Spirit: Wisdom, Knowledge, Understanding, Counsel, Fortitude, Piety, and the Fear of the Lord. During the Confirmation Mass, they were challenged by Bishop Matano to make a commitment to follow Jesus all the days of their lives. Bishop Matano also challenged them to use technology prudently and wisely. He insisted that without Jesus, there can never be any peace. He also encouraged them to use the gifts of the Holy Spirit they received at Confirmation to make the best possible decisions.
Here at St Paul’s, we are proud of these nine parishioners and we hope to see the impact they shall make on our parish community.
Class Info and Homework
This week, the Confirmation candidates are expected to:
1.) Find out the steps for going to Confession
2.) Read the "Seeds Tor The Journey" article in the Bulletin for this week which focuses on Confirmation.
Also remember the importance of attending Sunday Mass. Candidates can attend either the 4:00 pm Mass on Saturday, the 9:00 am Mass or the 11:00 am Mass on Sunday.
They will receive the book(s) we shall use for the year during the next class at noon on Sunday, November 6.
Class Info and Homework
A reminder that this weekend's class is for both Year 1 and Year 2 and is on Saturday November 12 at 5:00 PM (after 4:00 Mass).
Register for Confirmation
The fee for Confirmation is $50 for each year, which covers supplies. Please note that retreats and special events may require an additional fee.
See below for a registration form to print and mail in with a check, or register online and pay via credit card.
Register with Printable Form
Click the green "Confirmation Registration Form" below for a form you can print, fill out at home and mail to church with a check (payable to St. Paul's Church).
Confirmation Registration Form
Register Online
To register online, simply fill out the form below. After you register, click on the payment button at the bottom of the page to pay online.
A message from St. Paul's Confirmation Minister:
Hello. I am Anselm Mesue. I was born in Cameroon where I initially studied Philosophy and Theology. I did my graduate studies in theology at Boston College. I have a lot of experience with faith formation and catechesis. I teach theology full time and coach modified boys' soccer at Aquinas. I am extremely excited to serve St Paul Webster as the confirmation minister. I am a big soccer and basketball fan. I am also an admirer of the NFL. I love singing and saying prayers in Latin. I look forward to working with the kids and with their parents. It is my hope that we have a wonderful faith journey together so that at the end of the program, the candidates are strengthened in their relationship with God and serve as exemplary witnesses to the Catholic faith.
Preparation for the Sacrament of Confirmation
As the third and final Sacrament of Initiation into the church, the Sacrament of Confirmation can be seen as a movement from being schooled in the teachings of the church to a more mature place of accepting responsibility for one’s active participation in the life of the faith community. Confirmation, then, becomes the fulfillment of the Initiation of Baptism. The preparation period for this Sacrament is two years, usually comprising 8th and 9th grades, typically referred to as Year 1 and Year 2, respectively.
Gratefully, this year we will be meeting on site at St. Paul’s on Sunday mornings in the large, combined meeting space of rooms 7 and 8. Year 2 will meet after the 9:00 AM Mass (10:05 – 10:55) and Year 1 will meet after the 11:00 AM Mass (12:05 – 1:00). This schedule allows you the choice of attending either Mass on Sunday.
Additionally, we will have speakers, service projects, liturgical opportunities, and retreats to fill out the preparation experience.
When necessary, due to scheduling conflicts, Sunday’s class will be repeated on the following Tuesday evening: 6:00 – 6:55 PM for Year 1 and 7:00 – 7:55 PM for Year 2.
Online registration will open in June for the 2022-2023 school year (check back then!). If you have questions or need additional information, please contact Sue Ward at 671-2100 or [email protected].
Preparation for the Sacrament of Confirmation
As the third and final Sacrament of Initiation into the church, the Sacrament of Confirmation can be seen as a movement from being schooled in the teachings of the church to a more mature place of accepting responsibility for one’s active participation in the life of the faith community. Confirmation, then, becomes the fulfillment of the Initiation of Baptism. The preparation period for this Sacrament is two years, usually comprising 8th and 9th grades, typically referred to as Year 1 and Year 2, respectively.
Congratulations on Your Confirmation!
The community of St. Paul’s congratulates the young people listed below, who received the Sacrament of Confirmation on Thursday, April 7th at Sacred Heart Cathedral.
These are extraordinary young people. Their understanding of the mission of Jesus Christ, concern for the challenging issues of our day, and desire to live within a loving relationship to God serve as a testimony to us all of authentic discipleship.
Parents and sponsors, please accept our sincere gratitude for your constancy, love, and support throughout all the preceding years of your children’s faith formation experience. You are beautiful examples of lives lived within the spirit of our Catholic faith.
Congratulations and God’s Blessings to:
Christian Atallah
Aaron Bushart
Rachel Bushart
Jessica Fetter
Megan Fetter
Matthew Fischer
Mark Fountain
Connor Fulkerson
Lia Gugino
Alexander Mulcahy
Mason Mylott
Steffanie Orchard
Massimo Picca
Brayden Piwko
James Randisi
Alivia Scheible
Anthony Swinson
Remember to watch, listen, and pray for the promptings that God will give you in discerning His will so that you may live the beautiful, meaningful lives He envisions for you.
Preparation for the Sacrament of Confirmation
As the third and final Sacrament of Initiation into the church, the Sacrament of Confirmation can be seen as a movement from being schooled in the teachings of the church to a more mature place of accepting responsibility for one’s active participation in the life of the faith community. Confirmation, then, becomes the fulfillment of the Initiation of Baptism. The preparation period for this Sacrament is two years, usually comprising 8th and 9th grades, typically referred to as Year 1 and Year 2, respectively.
As of this writing (January, 2022), it has been decided that classes for both Years 1 and 2 will be remote for the remainder of the present semester, which concludes at the end of April, 2022. If it becomes reasonable to hold classes in person before that time, we will discuss that option with you in order to follow the safest path forward for you and your family.
Beginning in January, 2022, then, all classes will be conducted via the Zoom format on Sundays at 11:30 AM. Please see the attached schedule for how/when each class will occur for both Years 1 and 2.
You can access the other tabs on this page for the following pertinent information:
• Revised Schedule of Classes and Events
• Choosing a Sponsor
• Sponsor Information Form
• Access this link for information on various saints:
If you have questions or need additional information, please contact Sue Ward at 671-2100 ext. 27 or [email protected].
Confirmation Prep Class Schedule
Choosing a Sponsor
Sponsor Information Form