Ministry Contacts

Chairpersons and Ministry Coordinators

Councils/Lay Trustees

Finance Council Chair:
Jack Black

Pastoral Council Chair:
Patrice DeAngelis

Lay Trustees:
George Hanley
Forest Shick

Faith Enrichment Ministries

John Walsh Library:
Sue Muto

Men's Retreat:
Dan Milner

Liturgical Ministries

Diane Vannozzi

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion:
Cindy Ottina

Forest & Julie Shick

Lectors & Commentators:
Laure Barr

Helen Stirpe

Jane Adams

Jodie Hickey

Outreach Ministries

Good Sam Outreach Committee:
D.A. Hutnick

Coffee & Donut Ministry:
Karen Napoli

Homebound Visits:
Fr. Paul Gitau

Martha's Ministry:
D.A. Hutnick
Bonnie Epner

Prayer Chain Ministry:
Sandra Happ

Prayer Shawl Ministry:
Cathy Reetz

Vac Pac:
Jodie Hickey
671-2100 x21
[email protected]

Social Justice Ministries

Webster HOPE Food Collection:
Good Sam Outreach Committee
contact parish office 671-2100


Pastoral Council

Each year, St Paul's Parish Pastoral Council looks to recruit 3 new adult members and up to 2 teen members to replace outgoing folk.

Council members serve 3-year terms (the youth serve 1 year terms), must be active members of the parish and have received the Sacrament of Confirmation - both the adults and teens.

The council is an advisory one that assists the Pastor with understanding, exploring and serving the needs of the parish.

If you - or someone you know - might be called to this essential ministry of St Paul's, please let Fr. Paul know, or call the parish office at your convenience. You may also chat with any of the present members to find out more!

Thank you for your prayerful consideration!

Volunteers Needed!

Our volunteers are the best but we need more! Would you be able to join one of our liturgical ministries? Current most needed include:
-Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
Please call Jodie at 671-2100 for info. She will connect you with the appropriate ministry chairperson. Thank you.

Altar Servers Needed!

The next training session for the acolyte/altar server ministry is Sunday October 9th at noon in the worship space.
Please contact Helen at [email protected]g if interested or with any questions. Thank you!