Catholic Ministries Appeal

CMA 2024-2025

Goal: $100,000                                     Pledged/paid:

First of all, please know that I am delighted as I continue serving you here at St. Paul’s parish. We desire to be a family of believers centered upon the Holy Eucharist, the Word of God and helping to serve the poor.  I am appealing to those who have not yet given their gifts for CMA to please give something so that we can reach our goal before the end of this year.  I personally thank you for your continued support of our parish as you truly make Christ alive and present for others here at St. Paul’s Church and beyond. With every best wish and a promise of my prayers for you and your loved ones. And please also remember that God loves you and so do I.

Fr. Paul

Click the link below to donate to the CMA online.

Donate to CMA Here

Please contact Kasey at 671-2100 X30 with any questions. Thank you!

Please note: If you are 70 ½ or older, you may wish to consider paying off your pledge through a Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD), which may also be part of your Required Minimum Distribution (RMD) from a traditional IRA. (Before making this type of charitable contribution, consult your tax advisor or IRA administrator.) When you are ready to make your gift, advise your IRA administrator to send the check directly to the CMA at 1150 Buffalo Rd, Rochester, NY 14624. The check should identify that this is a “Retirement Distribution”, as well as provide information identifying the donor and the gift designation (CMA). For more information, please contact Colleen Brade at (585) 328-3210 ext. 1326 or [email protected]

Goal: $106,482                                     Pledged/paid:$88,893
The 2021-2022 CMA is now over.
Thank you to the 317 individuals/families who contributed $89,021.

Our final amount short of our goal was $17,461. Due to a generous grant of $5,461 by the Diocese, our final shortage bill has been reduced to $12,000.

If you wish to donate to the parish to help with this shortage, please make your checks payable to "St Paul's Church" and note "CMA shortage" in the memo line. Or you may donate to the CMA shortage through this link.

CMA Shortage donation

Thank you!