Youth Group

6th and 7th graders are invited to join us on Sunday evenings, 6:00 –7:15 PM as we take a deeper look at some of the teachings and mysteries of our Catholic faith, as well as the pressing issues confronting our young people today. Together we will discern how God is present in our lives, while forming the kind of friendships we will want to keep.

Our Youth Group formation process uses two programs from Ascension Press:

Encounter: Experiencing God in the Everyday, a Scripture-based program that incorporates lectio divina as a prayerful way to encounter God through Scripture. Our students will:
• Be drawn into the amazing story that ties all of Scripture together.
• Experience God’s love for them in a profound way and see him as a part of their daily lives.
• Discover the meaning of their faith and the purpose God has for them.
• Learn how the Old Testament prefigures, prepares for, and prophesies the coming of the Messiah.
• See Jesus as the awaited Messiah who established the church to continue his saving mission on earth.
• Witness the power of the Sacraments and the Mass as real encounters with God.
You can find more information on this program series at:

Quick Catholic Lessons with Fr. Mike. Fr. Mike Schmitz is Chaplain for Newman Catholic Campus Ministry at the University of Minnesota-Duluth and director of the Office of Youth Ministry for the Diocese of Duluth. He offers short teachings for young people on a variety of topics, including:
• What Catholics believe
• How we live our faith by love
• Building a practical, realistic life of prayer
• Signs that we are growing spiritually
• Help with some tough topics
You can learn more about Fr. Mike’s teachings at:

Please note that you can join our youth group anytime; just register through the form below or call Sue Ward at 671-2110.

The Youth Group fee is $30 for the school year. If you have already registered and just need to make your payment, just click on the blue "Make Registration Payment" button at the bottom to go to our payment page.

For more information, contact Sue Ward: 671-2110 or

YOUTH GROUP 2019-2020
Youth Group for 6th and 7th graders at St. Paul’s is on Sunday evenings, 6:00 PM—7:15 PM.

Together we are taking a deeper look at some of the teachings and mysteries of our Catholic faith—and form friendships we want to keep!

You may still register through the form below or call Sue Ward at 671-2110.

The Youth Group fee is $30 for the school year. If you have already registered and just need to make your payment, just click on the blue "Make Registration Payment" button at the bottom to go to our payment page.

Meetings include a lesson, snack, discussion, and time to socialize.

For more information, contact Sue Ward: 671-2110 or

Youth Group Registration:

To register your child, please fill out the registration form below and make the payment by clicking on the payment button below.

Please complete one form for each youth registered.

If you have questions or concerns, please contact Sue at 671-2110  or by email

    Family Information:

    Family Name*:

    Mother’s Name*:

    Father's Name*:

    Family Address*:

    Mother's Address (if different):

    Father's Address (if different):

    Home Phone*:

    Mother's Phone:

    Father's Phone:

    Family Email*:

    Mother's Email:

    Father's Email:


    St. Paul’s Church has my permission to post pictures of my child taken during Youth Ministry events on the church website and/or Facebook page.
    Yes, I consentNo, I do not consent

    Date *:

    Student Information:

    Middle School (Grades 6-7) $30 per year

    Student Name* (first, middle, last):


    Grade in September*:

    Student Email*:

    Student Cell:

    Date of Birth*:



    To verify you're human, please write the code STPAUL in this box:
    [quiz* quiz-222 "Code:|STPAUL"]

    This year our 6th and 7th graders are also learning to pray the Examen of St. Ignatius of Loyola. The Examen is a way of praying wherein we take full responsibility for ourselves, our behavior, and our life in the presence of God, by His grace, and with His help.

    Click here for an explanation of how to pray the Examen.

    We all know that the pressures on our teenagers personally, socially, and culturally are beyond anything we have experienced in previous generations. Often they feel isolated and alone as they try to grapple with feelings they don’t understand and for which they lack the coping skills. Although our Catholic faith offers them a place of solace and belonging, we adults don’t always know how to lead them there.

    So, St. Paul’s is hosting a special evening for Youth Group and Confirmation students and their parents on Sunday, October 20th in an attempt to address these concerns and open up the conversation. It will begin with a pot luck dinner at 5:00 PM, followed by a presentation by Deacon Brian McNulty at 6:00 PM.

    Deacon Brian has worked in the mental health field for 44 years as a teacher and chaplain and has recently been asked by Bishop Matano to act as a resource for Rochester parishes in the many areas of mental health. His presentation on October 20th is geared for teenagers (and their parents) and is entitled, “Do Holy People Feel This Too?” The content will focus on our inner feelings—their presence in our lives, their usefulness for us, and the rightness of our feelings. He will use examples from the Gospels and lives of the saints to demonstrate points of God’s love and concern for us. He will also allow time for questions and discussion.

    Please join us—parents and students in Youth Group and Confirmation Preparation—for this event. Bring a dish to pass, and let’s see what we can learn together about how to love and minister to our young people during these challenging times!