VBS 2022 Registration

For children in grades Pre-K through Grade 5 in September 2022

$45/Child with $100/Family Maximum (through June 15)

T Shirt Sizes come in Child XS, S, M, or L or Adult S M L.  Please note one of these sizes in the form below.

    Child’s name:

    Grade in Sept. 2022


    T Shirt Size

    Parent’s name*:



    Emergency Contact Name:

    Emergency Contact Phone:

    Please list Allergies, Special Needs, or Concerns:

    Please add any additional comments or details:

    Yes, I consent to the use and reproduction of photos, videos and audio recordings taken during Vacation Bible School, July 18-22, in which my child is reasonably identifiable.No, I do not consent to the use of any photos, videos or audio recordings taken during Vacation Bible School, July 18-22, in which my child appears. I understand that it is my responsibility to inform my child that when pictures are being taken he/she should move out of the picture.

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