St. Paul’s is looking for a part time Adult Faith Formation Coordinator (about 15 hours a week). This person will collaborate in implementing the mission of the parish, by developing opportunities for spiritual development for parishioners such as Advent & Lenten retreats, recollections, Scripture study, and funeral planning. The AFF Coordinator will also coordinate the parish outreach to the homebound.
- Masters or Undergraduate degree in Theology or Religious Studies or appropriate certification/experience.
- Active membership in a faith community of the Roman Catholic Church in the Diocese of Rochester.
- Willingness to work occasional weekends and evenings, or to be available as needed.
- Organizational skills, including time management, delegation, planning and budgeting.
Please contact Kasey Baker for more information at [email protected] or 671-2100.
Rosary Group 
The Rosary Group is one of the fastest growing groups at St. Paul’s Church. With over 20 members of both experienced and inexperienced members- prayers, friendships, support, and faith are at the heart of every gathering. We invite you to join us each Tuesday at 12:00 to recite the Rosary with a warm and welcoming group of men and women growing in their spirituality.
Together in Grief
Have you experienced a recent loss in your life and you’re looking for people to connect with? Together in Grief is St. Paul’s bereavement group that meets the third Thursday of each month to find healing and peace after a loss. We are not therapists, but a support group which assists one another on their journey. You do not need to be a member of St. Paul’s Church to join. All who are looking for support are welcome.
These monthly meetings will take place at 11:00 AM in the Music Room
Check back for more events
Catholic Resources
Looking to enrich your spiritual life? Here are some great resources to help you grow in faith, hope, and charity. *Please be mindful, not all resources that advertise themselves as Catholic, are truly Catholic in nature. If you have any questions regarding the authenticity of any resource you encounter please contact Katie, our Adult Faith Formation Coordinator, and she can assist you in discerning the accuracy in what you have found.
Catholic Authors:
Raymond Arroyo—pre-teens/teensBishop
Robert Barron Danielle Bean
Sr. Joan Chittister C.K. Chesterton
Dr. Ray Guerendi
Dr. Scott W. Hahn
Trent Horn Matthew
Kelly Thomas Keating
C.S. Lewis
Flannery O’Connor
Holly Ordway
Fulton J. Sheen
Credible Websites for Catholic Information
Ascension Press
Catholic Answers
Catholic News Agency
Dynamic Catholic
National Catholic Registrar
New Advent Catholic Encyclopedia
Our Sunday Visitor (OSV News)
United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB)
Vatican News
Catholic Answers
Girlfriends with Danielle Bean
EWTN – various platforms
Divine Mercy Radio: 92.9 FM or 1460 AM
The Station of the Cross
The Transforming Power of Christ
Thank you for partaking in this week and for allowing yourself to be open to all the possibilities Christ has intended for you. I am grateful for that week and the opportunity to get to know each of you a little more intimately. I am so blessed to work here and to serve each of you. Have a wonderful rest of your summer and thank you again for partaking in the week of Transformation and Reflection.
Photos are below!
[email protected] or 671-2100 X24
Lenten Daily Reflection Books
Due to popular demand, The Little White Books, which follow the Lenten Little Black Books, will be provided for each family this Easter season. These books will be available at Easter masses and they begin Easter Monday and run through Pentecost. One book per family please.
Lenten Daily Reflection Books
This year St. Paul’s is offering The Little Black Book: Six-minute meditations of the parables of Jesus, to enhance your prayer life this Lent. These books provide a bit of knowledge about the church, saints, Holy Days, and other important facts to enhance our faith, along with an in-depth look at scripture and how it relates to our lives. These popular reflection books will be available in the Narthex the weekend of February 26 and 27 and throughout Lent, while supplies last. One book per family please.